Characterized by explosions of color and texture, Chu’s abstract paintings translate the world around him through an innocent, fresh perspective. In this solo exhibition, Chu shares his dynamic perspective as a young boy in a vast world through his immense paintings, some of which extend across polyptychs more than 15 feet in length.
This young, accomplished artist continues to surprise and delight his exceptional international following of collectors. His canvases are limned in energetic wonder. Though he is still small, his vision of the world is nothing short of colossal.
Known as the next Pollock, Chu approached painting at the age of 4, before ever learning of Pollock and the abstract expressionists. He paints as Pollock did, squeezing pigment onto canvases laid on the floor or propped against walls, as well as employing brushes, water and textured strokes of a palette knife. Chu’s NYC exhibition will follow GBG’s current “Three Mile Harbor Road” exhibition on the friendship and collaboration among Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning and Nicolas Carone and will precede the upcoming Sylvester Stallone exhibition.